Monday 2 April 2012

More Poetry Bollocks

I Never Saw Your Face
I never saw your face
You went before I came.
I can’t say that I miss you
You never knew my name.

I know stories of you,
The make me wonder why,
Why I never met you
And why you had to die.

I wonder if you’d like me,
I’d like to think you would.
I have so many questions
I’d ask them if I could.

I hope that you can hear me,
I’m sure you have some too
Wherever you are now,
Let me answer you.

I’m a fairly normal guy
I love to read and write,
I like to watch TV
Right into the night.

You don’t know what that is.
I wish I could explain,
That may not be easy,
You are on another plain.

I don’t know what to say
 I never saw your face,
I wish I could have met you,
Any time or place.

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