Wednesday 12 December 2012

The long awaited Amanda blog

So hello avid readers and people who have accidentally stumbled across my blog and are just reading the first sentence to see what its about, you can go now.

Some of you may remember that I wrote a blog about a year ago about friendship, in it I described the difficulty I had had in making friends whilst still at school and how I had made some new ones once I started university. The problem with that is that I kinda sorta forgot to mention someone, this someone happens to be one of my closest friends and I literally cant believe that I forgot about her. The only excuse I can I can offer is that I wrote the last blog in about ten minutes and It was mainly about people who I had seen that day, I am sticking to that excuse Amanda so please don’t hurt me.

Anywayyyys as I said the person I am talking about is called Amanda and I have literally known her forever, like seriously man. Our parents were friends before we were both born and so we technically knew each other from when we were babies, though I can’t quite remember that because I have pushed most of the childhood memories out of my brain and replaced them with funny cat videos. What I do remember however is that I always liked Amanda, however I will admit this now, I was always a little bit scared of her because she was a girl, there I said it! I was always really shy around girls when I was younger and so spending any extended amount of time with them which I often did with Amanda wasn't easy. However as I have got older it turns out that I much prefer hanging out with women anyway, though not in a gay way, sorry boys…
I also remember the many times we would spend around each other’s houses, normally on New Year’s Eve, it became sort of a tradition and it always made the New Year that bit more special J

Amanda is literally one of the easiest people to get along with that I know, first things first she appreciates my geekiness and that fact that I am not really that cool, which is just perfect for me because honestly I am kind a nerd, not that I mind that though because nerds will inherit the earth one day. She also for some reason finds me funny, now I don’t know if she takes ecstasy every time she talks to me, or she is just fake laughing but either way I certainly appreciate the sentiment, I am a bit like Chandler from friends and its important for me to be funny even though I'm not actually that funny, its kind of a vicious circle really. So Amanda I love the fact that you laugh for me and you must keep it up.

Oh also recently I learned that I can drink you under the table, after four glasses of wine you were pretty drunk, whereas I reckon I could have driven and operated heavy machinery if I wanted to.
I'm sure I have forgotten some things, but my memory isn't what it used to be, and I am sure you will remind me of them and make me recognise my shame for not remembering, such as the time I didn't invite you to see Lee Evans which wasn't by choice, but lets not get into that again. There can always be an Amanda blog part 2 anyway, maybe even 3 or 4 even 5, the numbers are endless...
