So I am finally going to review a Marvel movie, you might be wondering where I have been?Well, I have been writing my autobiography 'My Journey, My Struggle: The Struggle of My Journey.'
There is also the fact that up until now the Marvel movies have bored me close to death. With the exception of perhaps the Avengers movies (Happy Valentines Joss Whedon xxxxxxx) I have been pretty unimpressed. They aren't necessarily terrible movies, its just that considering the money and attention around them I expected them to at least be a bit interesting.
You will be glad to know that FINALLY an interesting and all around entertaining movie has been made and its called Deadpool!
I am not going to give an awful lot of the plot, because in actual fact, its kinda generic, it is after all a love story. But in short, Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) a debt collector of sorts meets a girl, Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) and they fall in love. Wade is then diagnosed with cancer and decides to leave Vanessa as he doesn't want her to see him slowly die. However Ajax (Ed Skrein) offers to help cure Wade's illness whilst simultaneously making him into a superhero. Which technically works, but turns Wade into a Freddie Kruger type nightmare on the outside. Wade then assumes the identity of Deadpool and seeks his revenge.
Its almost as if the writers of this movie have listened to me directly and made the appropriate changes. For instance, I am so bored of origin stories, I get they are necessary for those who haven't read the appropriate comics, but please don't spend too much of movie on it (I'm looking at you Iron Man). Deadpool uses a non - linear storyline to deal with this and even then the origins don't take that long. I also don't like the ratio of comedy to explaining mythology and history and all that boring nonsense (Thor...) in others, and Deadpool is all about the funny. Then there is the CGI in the other Marvel movies, oh god the CGI, its almost as if nobody could be bothered to act so they just played a computer game and filmed it for a lot of the franchise films. Though Deadpool does use CGI, its at a minimum and never managed to annoy me.
Above all else though I loved Deadpool because it was funny, really funny. Obviously with Ryan Reynolds in the lead role you can expect some laughs, but I didn't expect as many as I got. The script was basically one liners and jokes throughout and never stopped to be too serious, there was even a little homage to Monty Python in there!
Plus like I said, its almost as if Marvel listened to me personally because they addressed all the things that had annoyed me previously in the dialogue, the amount of fourth wall breaking and self referential jokes about Marvel's stranglehold on the movie business is unlike anything I have seen before. Its as if Marvel have gone so far up their own arses that they came out the other side past the sparrow prince and katata fish with a pretty great movie.
So there we have it, like I said the plot is nothing particularly new, but to me that didn't really matter because the film itself was really quite charming and funny. I could probably understand why people might hate it because the jokes really are constant and could potentially get on someones nerves. Plus there is an air of smugness to it, as if Marvel are making fun of their audiences, whilst simultaneously taking their money, but all in all these factors didn't occur to me whilst watching it and I just enjoyed the experience. It's definitely worth a watch and Marvel have finally managed to impress me.
However as a final note I will just say, please PLEASE!!! do not make a sequel because you will inevitably f**k it up and I don't want to see that happen to what is probably the best Marvel character I have seen.
Of course they will make it, but hey, at least I can say I told you so.
Bye bye!