Monday 27 February 2012

Oscars, more like... Wrongers !

 I haven’t written anything in a while, blame the Zubat’s, they kept me in the cave for bloody ages.

So it was the Oscars last night, and since I am a student and the only real function my T.V has is to house the small a.i footballers of FIFA 12 and occasionally show me Batman movies; that and the fact that I don’t have Sky movies and thus couldn’t watch them anyway, caused me to miss the show... but I am rambling. In a turn of events that can only be described as fuck achingly inevitable,  Michael Hazasazsasavucuius’s ‘The Artist walked away with 5 awards, including the most important of Best Picture and Best Director. Now I haven’t seen the film myself, and I’m sure it’s very good, don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to see a silent film being given awards in today’s Transformers obsessed times. The biggest disappointment for me however is the lack of awards for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and in particular Gary Oldman not receiving his long overdue Oscar. The man simply is a colossus of an actor, he is mostly known for playing highly extrovert and let’s face it, bat shit crazy characters. So I think it’s only fair that he receive a little recognition for what has to be one of the best understated performances I’ve ever seen! Now, lots of actors can be understated, British actors have been doing it in cinema for decades, but when you consider that this is the same man who played Jean – Baptiste Emanuel Zorg in Fifth Element, a character so outrageously ridiculous, you would think that the writers had injected some sort of hallucinogenic drug directly into their brains, you have to give him some credit for being able to tone it down and play a character that manages to drive the story forward without saying very much. I recently heard Mark Kermode say that Tinker Tailor was action packed, and having thought about it, I think a lot of this is down to Oldman’s performance, his characters drive and ability to stay ahead of the action gave the film the sort of intensity that you wouldn’t expect.
My original point anyway is that Oldman should have won the Oscar, not taking away anything from Jean Dujardin, but I’d appreciate it if for once the academy avoided the obvious choice and just agreed with me for once, after all I am the supreme leader of movies and thus my wish should be obeyed.

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