Wednesday 29 February 2012

I'm fine, don't call the therapist just yet

These are quickly turning from blogs into rants about shit I don’t like
Friendships! Such a peculiar thing, but something that seems to be a universal element of most people’s lives, even loners have their imaginary friends or star wars figurines, still preserved perfectly in their boxes that they can talk to.

School has always seemed a good place to purchase them, unfortunately for me, mine came from a sale, and sadly that sale was the arsehole clearance sale, and as we all know you cannot return sale items. I ended up drifting through school with a group of companions, none of whom I consider true friends, they may not have all been bad people, some of them were, but others did not inspire much friendship from me, partly my fault, but also partly theirs.

So then, having finished school I was left with somewhat of a predicament, I had a job working with my Father and Brother, meaning I wasn’t going to meet anybody new at work. And so I essentially lacked a social life for a good two years, my weekends were not spent out at the pub or clubbing with my ‘mates’ they were spent at home, there was the occasional bright spot, I managed to develop a pretty good friendship with this guy Tom, whom I had always kind of rejected at school, much to my regret later on. But the problem was, that he wasn’t attending university in Brighton and only made fleeting visits back to Barnet, and even then being that he is such a nice guy, he had other friends to visit and so I was still largely alone.

But then what happened? I only went and decided to go to university, having discovered that working and having absolutely nothing to use your wages for was not exactly a fulfilling lifestyle. Suddenly I had new friends and proper ones as well, they were real people and everything, some of them even had things in common with me, you would think I’d be over the moon, and well you are half right, initially I was thrilled, I had all these new relationships forming and I was no longer alone. But of course here comes the inevitable problem. I couldn’t cope with the whole situation; I have gotten so use to not having to worry about friends over the years that I was suddenly overwhelmed by having so many new people in my life. To top that off, I have actually managed to develop the closest relationship I have ever had with anyone, and I include my family in that, yes I actually finally have a best friend after 22 years of waiting, and you’ll never guess, she is a she, It’s true; she has breasts and everything, nice ones as well that’s right, I now have a best friend, whom I can confide in and tell literally everything to, who also happens to be the absolute embodiment of beauty in human form, both in terms of looks and her wonderful personality. So again you would think I’d be content with that.

EHHHHHHHHH, no of course not, because I can’t help but worry will these friendships last, and will I end up back in the situation I found myself in a few years back where I had nothing to look forward to except the next episode of Lost, which turned out to be a huge fucking disappointment. Of course the rational side of my brain is trying to tell me that these worries are foolish, whereas the irrational side is telling me that I need to kill all the hippies, and also that I will lose all my friends. And that Andrew normally wins the stupid prick! But alas, I suppose I am only human and as a human who is also British it is perfectly normal for me to be miserable about some things. Never mind eh, at least GTA V comes out this year, then I won’t need any friends, I can just take out my teenage angst (I’m 22, but still a teenager ) on virtual pedestrians, because fuck them what makes them so special !

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