Wednesday 12 December 2012

The long awaited Amanda blog

So hello avid readers and people who have accidentally stumbled across my blog and are just reading the first sentence to see what its about, you can go now.

Some of you may remember that I wrote a blog about a year ago about friendship, in it I described the difficulty I had had in making friends whilst still at school and how I had made some new ones once I started university. The problem with that is that I kinda sorta forgot to mention someone, this someone happens to be one of my closest friends and I literally cant believe that I forgot about her. The only excuse I can I can offer is that I wrote the last blog in about ten minutes and It was mainly about people who I had seen that day, I am sticking to that excuse Amanda so please don’t hurt me.

Anywayyyys as I said the person I am talking about is called Amanda and I have literally known her forever, like seriously man. Our parents were friends before we were both born and so we technically knew each other from when we were babies, though I can’t quite remember that because I have pushed most of the childhood memories out of my brain and replaced them with funny cat videos. What I do remember however is that I always liked Amanda, however I will admit this now, I was always a little bit scared of her because she was a girl, there I said it! I was always really shy around girls when I was younger and so spending any extended amount of time with them which I often did with Amanda wasn't easy. However as I have got older it turns out that I much prefer hanging out with women anyway, though not in a gay way, sorry boys…
I also remember the many times we would spend around each other’s houses, normally on New Year’s Eve, it became sort of a tradition and it always made the New Year that bit more special J

Amanda is literally one of the easiest people to get along with that I know, first things first she appreciates my geekiness and that fact that I am not really that cool, which is just perfect for me because honestly I am kind a nerd, not that I mind that though because nerds will inherit the earth one day. She also for some reason finds me funny, now I don’t know if she takes ecstasy every time she talks to me, or she is just fake laughing but either way I certainly appreciate the sentiment, I am a bit like Chandler from friends and its important for me to be funny even though I'm not actually that funny, its kind of a vicious circle really. So Amanda I love the fact that you laugh for me and you must keep it up.

Oh also recently I learned that I can drink you under the table, after four glasses of wine you were pretty drunk, whereas I reckon I could have driven and operated heavy machinery if I wanted to.
I'm sure I have forgotten some things, but my memory isn't what it used to be, and I am sure you will remind me of them and make me recognise my shame for not remembering, such as the time I didn't invite you to see Lee Evans which wasn't by choice, but lets not get into that again. There can always be an Amanda blog part 2 anyway, maybe even 3 or 4 even 5, the numbers are endless...


Saturday 6 October 2012

'Battle Born' I don't have a pun

Hello everyone, I thought I might do a lickle album review for you is that OK with you? Oh good that’s excellent, right well I better bloody get on with it then. I thought I would review the new Killers album ‘Battle Born’ because that seems like the sort of album that the cool kids are listening to these days, at least I that’s what I think they were saying as I eavesdropped on them at the bus stop, but I digress let’s get on with it.

I won’t bother comparing this to their previous albums because (A. I don’t really see the point of doing that and (B. I haven’t listened to any of their other albums in a while and I can’t remember them that well off the top of my head and I am also too lazy to listen to them all again. None of this should matter however as I simply want to review the album as a standalone record.

First off there is the album cover, it’s what I would consider a pretty bog standard rock album cover, a car driving down a highway following a horse. Despite it being rather cliché I do quite like it and to be honest I never notice stuff like that so it must be pretty good.

Now on with the music, the first noticeable thing is that this is definitely a Killers album, by which I mean there is enough of their signature sound to make it instantly recognisable as being made by them, so those fans expecting a drastic departure or a hip hop album or something you will be quite disappointed. However despite this I think there is enough in the songs for fans of the band to appreciate. I get the sense that they are trying to cultivate a more stadium rock type image, though not the Coldplay Mylo Xyloto douche bag type.[1] The albums lead single ‘Runaways’ would probably be the best example of this opinion. Despite a friend of mine describing it as simply ‘noise’ I really like the song. My first thought upon hearing it was that it sounds a lot like Queen and as a relative newcomer to Queen[2] I was pleased by this. I have always considered the Killers to be relatively soft rock but ‘Runaways’ is a lot louder and punchier. Unfortunately in my opinion this is the only track that can be described as such as the album slots back into the more established Killers sound, i.e.  softer more ballady type rock, possibly with the exception of the fifth track ‘A Matter of Time’ which doesn't quite reach the same level but it is still a strong track.

Even though I seem to be lamenting the fact that the album seems to abandon the louder rockier approach I don’t consider this to be a weak album at all. There are certainly enough tracks to draw fans of the band in, though in my opinion I still think it will split fans due to the fact that the album itself is rather split. What I mean by that is that half of it is louder and pacier, whilst the other half is slower and more composed. This I think will mean that some fans will like one half and the rest will like the other half, but of course I could be totally wrong about that. The best example of this would be track eight ‘The Rising of the Tide’ which isn't exactly a quiet acoustic ballad whilst track eleven ‘Be Still’ sounds almost like a gospel song at points. It see’s Brandon Flowers really stretching his vocal muscles, something which is actually evident throughout the album. There is even an example of the split in one song, the albums closer and title track ‘Battle Born’ which is a mixture of acoustic rock and full on epicness.[3]

In summary then this is a good album in my opinion, it won’t stand out as one of the greatest albums ever but given the Killer reputation I think it will do well amongst their fans and may even win a few new people over thanks to the rockier tracks. It is nice to see them back after 4 years and Brandon Flowers seems to still have the voice for this type of music, though I have to admit there are a few points where he can’t quite reach some of the notes, but overall he has still got it. The rest of the band have done well also with the music itself pretty much flawless. I would therefore recommend this, if you can’t afford it just listen on spotify, it’s definitely worth a listen even if you don’t agree with my opinion, which you probably won’t because I am normally wrong about everything.

Never mind

Byezeee bye

[1] Having said that I thought they were very good at the Paralympic closing ceremony
[2] Obviously I knew who they were and their songs, but I had only really listened properly this year.
[3] Thereby refuting my point at the end of paragraph 4, doh!

Sunday 16 September 2012

TV Character = Horrible People number 3 The final dum dum dum!

Hello there, I would like to begin this blog with an apology to my loyal subjects. The recent topless photos of me taken at my friend’s house have brought shame upon my family. It was never my intention to expose my nether regions to the cameraman situated around half a mile away from my location with a telescopic lens. I realise that I was wrong to assume that it would be permissible to be in a state of undress on private property. As for those who published the photographs, I accept your reasoning behind printing them. Of course me being topless is just the same as all those other beautiful people who are topless on beaches across France and you are not in fact a cretinous dogs anus who should be put in stocks whilst Piers Morgan reads his autobiography titled ‘my life as the world’s most insufferable cunt’ aloud 400 times. I never considered that my privacy was nothing more than a joke and that every part of my life should be eagerly read about by the dregs of our society and for this I sincerely thank you.

That’s that sorted, now we can get on with the actual content of the blog and my number 1 TV show where the characters aren’t very nice people, excited? No? Well I have to finish it so just suck it up and pay attention.

I shall get straight into it then; I offer my obligatory apology for fussiness and yadi yadi yada etc. The show I have picked this week is the oldest of the three in my list and actually managed to launch the acting career of one of the world’s biggest stars. That’s right I am talking about Will Smith and his show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

                                          Look at him tickling imaginary balls awwww.

For those of you who don’t know the show, it’s about a young kid born and raised in West Philadelphia. Most of his days are spent out on the playground just chilling, max relaxing and playing basketball outside of the local school. However one day a couple of guys show up and start causing trouble in the neighbourhood and the young kid (Will Smith) gets into a fight, the consequence being that his mother sends him to live with his aunt and uncle in Bel Air. Will gets in a cab, and soon he is off to his new home.[1] The series itself focuses on Will’s[2] attempts to fit in with the different environment of Bel Air. Of course he was born and raised on the streets[3] and he is rather different to his cousins who have been raised in far more comfortable surroundings. Will dresses funny and uses lots of street slang which contrast entirely with his more well to do extended family.

Once again it would seem that I don’t have any particular problems with this show. You are half right, I do enjoy the show, it is funny and Will Smith is just so damn lovable that he gets away with a lot of shit. However being the middle aged man trapped in a 23 year olds body that I am, I was easily able to find subjects of annoyance in amongst all of the fun. There are a few bad people on the show but for now I’ll just stick to the Banks family.

I was going to write about the parents Aunt Vivian and Uncle Phil first, but to be honest they aren’t that bad. They are very bossy, but they are sitcom parents and they kind of have to be. They can both be very arrogant though and the money that they have certainly affects the type of people they are. Phil is often embarrassed by the way Will looks and speaks because it reflects badly on his image. However he does genuinely care for Will so I will let that slide, As for Aunt Viv, well she is kind of a non-character for me, when they changed the actress after the first season she suddenly became more peripheral in the show and I can’t remember her doing much to warrant my hellish wrath. Well done you two, have a cookie, not you Uncle Phil you have to have a fat free one because you are so very fat ha ha ha chortle chortle gosh clinical obesity sure is a hoot.[4]

Unfortunately that is where the niceties end; for you see the rest of the characters I want to highlight really are quite bothersome don’t you know. Let us start with Ashley (Tatyana Ali) the youngest of the children[5]. Ashley is the sweet unassuming one, she looks up to her older siblings and very rarely displays her nasty side. However when she attained brief fame as a pop singer all of that changed and suddenly she became a complete diva[6], she neglected her family, she acted like she was the Queen of the fucking universe and walked around using her brother as a man servant. It seems that a regular topic of the show is how the characters completely change when money and good fortune is involved, even sweet little Ashley is corrupted by money and to think Will was sent to Bel Air to have a better upbringing. Sure he has more money at his disposal, but to be honest I’d rather be poor and nice than rich and arrogant.

Speaking of rich and arrogant we have Carlton (Alfonso Riberio) who is easily one of the worst people not only on this list, but on the overall series of these blogs. This is a man completely obsessed with money, now some might say he is just ambitious, but that simply isn’t true. Carlton refuses to even acknowledge those with less money most of the time and when he does he is such a total and utter dick that you want to strangle him with his stupid sweater vest. The guy is so tear inducingly arrogant you wonder if the show’s writers actually like the character. That’s not even the worst thing however; Carlton is constantly worried about his inheritance, that’s right he is not so bothered if he father dies as long as he gets a sizeable chunk of his money. I suspect a lot of people would at least let this cross their mind, it’s only natural to think about what might get left to you but it’s not natural to bring it up again and again and to constantly fret that your actions might cause you to lose it. Never mind though we always have the funny Carlton dance to distract us from his master prickery.

If you thought Carlton was a prick however just wait until you meet his sister Hilary (Karyn Parsons). Hilary is your typical valley girl type; she speaks with that ridiculous upward inflection all the time and it appears that instead of a brain she simply had a balloon filled with the stupidest air available stuffed into her head. Like many of the other characters she is incredibly arrogant and obsessed with money with a tendency to spit on those beneath her. However unlike Carlton who despite his flaws is likeable most of the time, I really can’t remember any instance of this happening with Hilary. She is incredibly lazy and expects the Butler Geoffrey to do absolutely everything for her and when he is unable she complains like a child. She is the epitome of a spoiled brat, in fact in a flashback sequence showing her character as a child she was already on her way to being megabitch 5000, but she was a child so it’s forgivable. However when you reach your 20’s and 30’s it just isn’t. One of the main running jokes on the show centres around Hilary constantly asking her father for money to go shopping, yet she doesn’t contribute around the house financially whatsoever even when she becomes a television presenter which would likely earn her a sizable pay check. Seriously Hilary I think we need to have a talk because your behaviour has become unacceptable and this makes my sad little life a bit less tolerable.

I have saved the best for last it seems. Now this wasn’t meant to be in any particular order and to be honest I think Hilary and Carlton are worse than Will’s character, but because he is the focal point of the show I thought it was best for him to the final discussion topic. Unlike the others Will was raised in poverty and so he sees through the whole arrogance because of money schitck. Unfortunately his character is arrogant in a different way, his vanity centres around the ladies. Now in real life Will Smith is considered attractive and so on and that’s fine, however in the show there is nobody that fancies Will more than the man himself. He constantly brings up just how great looking he is, just how good he is with the ladies and so forth. However Will is kinda totally sexist, his chat up lines centre around how he is going to screw the particular woman and if you skip to about 1.02 in this YouTube clip below his method of seduction is a tad rapey[7]

Remember when I mentioned making fun of Uncle Phil’s obesity? Well Will is the king of that, he constantly calls his Uncle, the man who has taken into his home and put him through school fat and can be pretty darn cruel about it. Of course it is all done in good humour for the show, but just imagine something like that in real life, his lack of respect would not go down so well in other cases. Add to that the constant piss taking of his cousin Carlton for not being a very good black man which is actually quite racist when you come to think about it. As you see that Will can sometimes be a bit of a penis or as he would call it a big willy, shame on you, you dirty boy.

Well well well, there we have it, all done and dusted it’s about time for me to hit the old dusty trail. One does hope that these blogs weren’t overly ranty[8] and I don’t come across as a cynical dick muncher.[9] You must not forget that I like all these shows and the horrible things these characters do actually make me laugh and I don’t just sit there getting madder and madder at them, which I will save until I am at least 40 and the world has long since passed me by.
Bye kids!

[1] That concept would make a good theme song don’t you think?
[2] Will Smith is the actor and the characters name because come on its Will freaking Smith.
[3] See theme song.
[4] More on that hilarious topic later.
[5] Well technically Nicky is the youngest, but I won’t pick on him because he is like 4 years old and everyone knows children that age are purely evil anyway, let’s take that as read.
[6] That’s music industry speak for total and utter bitchface
[7] Sure Jordan from Scrubs looks as if she is enjoy it, but she could just be afraid that the man humping her leg might murder her if she tells him to go away.
[8] Though they totally were.
[9] Which I totally do.

Saturday 8 September 2012

TV Characters = Horrible People Number 2

So yeah I did say that people wouldn’t have to wait for long for the next in this little series of blogs I was doing, but I had work this week and simply could not be arsed to do it when I got home. Still I doubt people are reeeeeally that bothered are they? I mean the majority of people who see this are those that search for the picture of the homophobic seal which I put in one of my entries, which to be honest says a lot about the human race.[1]

Anywho lets just get on with it shall we. As you all know I am writing about TV characters who in real life would be pretty awful people, once again I realise that they are characters and that they are supposed to be over the top but just shut up.

For numero 2 in this little series I have decided to pick one of the most popular American sitcoms ever Friends!!!!

Ok so in the last entry I only really focused on two characters because Peep Show really does focus primarily on two people, but when it comes to Friends there are far more main characters, I say far more there are 6 altogether, so 4 more, but fuck it that is a lot so again shut up. So what I am essentially saying is that it won’t be the same as the last one, I know I know but don’t panic it will be fine, let’s just all get on the blog bus next stop bullshit.

Let’s start with the boys shall we

I will start off with the least intolerable character of friends, Mr Chandler Bing. Now Chandler can be irritating, for instance it’s a little annoying when someone replies sarcastically to everything you say[2] and so it seems that Chandler can rarely take anything seriously, though most of the time he is funny. However other times Chandler can come across as extremely arrogant in terms of how he responds to his best friends. There are a lot of times where Joey is the victim of Chandler’s quite vicious wit. There was even an episode where a bet was made between the group whereupon Chandler was not allowed to make fun of them and he simply could not bear to just be nice to them for a change, eventually giving in and laying into all of them. Despite all of this however I find Chandler to be the most identifiable character for me and most of the time he really is trying to make people laugh, perhaps trying a little too hard some of the time.

Then of course we have Ross Gellar, the smart Jewish one who is a bit of a nerd, did I hear someone say stereotype? Anyway, Ross again isn’t too bad but of course he has his flaws. Much like Chandler he is extremely arrogant about his intelligence. I remember an early episode in which Phoebe points out that she doesn’t believe in evolution, this drives Ross nuts and he spends the rest of the episode hounding her attempting to show her she is wrong. Ross much like his sister Monica has an irritating competitive streak and he can never ever be wrong. Now I don’t know about you but that is an extremely irritating character trait in people, being competitive is fine, but being so competitive that you annoy the other person into submission is more annoying than having Piers Morgan over for dinner, every night for a week whilst he has taken pills to emphasise his monumental dickery. Then of course there is the whole ‘we were on a break’ situation, I suppose I should take the guys side in that instance, but I am sorry, sleeping with someone hours after you thought you broke up with someone is not cool bro, especially if that woman is someone you have loved since you were a kid.

And finally in terms of the primary male characters we have Joey Tribbiani. Joey is regularly portrayed as something as a lovable oaf with limited intelligence. There are essentially two Joey’s. You have early friends Joey who is dumb but can function properly, and then you have later seasons Joey who is borderline retarded.[3]Now one of the worst things about Joey has to be his womanising; now obviously there are guys who sleep with lots of women and hey its fine I guess. However Joey literally sleeps with seemingly everyone and apparently he never ceases to dump them after each one night stand. We have a word for people like that and it’s a whore. I’m sorry but sleeping with hundreds of women to the point where you can’t actually remember who you have been with is the sign of a pretty shitty human being. He also scrounges of Chandler an incredible amount, Chandler pays for acting lessons, headshots, rent as well as all the bills so there is that. Also he has quite the sense of entitlement, seemingly thinking he is the best actor in the world when really he is pretty bog standard, so yeah in real life Joey would be just the sort of douche bag you see on Jersey Shore or a show to that degree and I fucking hate those people like a lot.

Ok so on to the women, remember this isn’t in order, meaning that I don’t think the women are worse than the men and I am not a sexist or anything like that, so calm down ladies don’t get on your period about it and maybe we can go shoe shopping or something as a treat.

Right well first off there is Rachel, the spoiled rich brat. Yep straight into it here, Rachel at first takes a while to realise that she isn’t rich anymore and that she can’t just have things handed to her. To be fair she does eventually settle into life as a poor person probably thanks to living with Monica. To be honest Rachel isn’t that bad, there are a couple of occasions where she is kinda slutty, like when she meets Paulo who despite speaking absolutely no English manages to have a fairly long relationship with her. I mean a woman who sleeps with a guy just because he is Italian is pretty bad especially considering Ross was head over heels in love with her at the time, she didn’t know this, but in real life it would have been extremely obvious. Nevertheless Rachel I am putting you as my favourite female character of the show which will be a great conversation topic if I ever meet Jennifer Aniston.

You remember when I talked about how competitiveness can be irritating, you should do I said it about 500 words ago. Well that brings us nicely on to Monica, if you thought Ross was overly competitive then boy howdy is Monica a piece of work. Rarely is she wrong, and rarely does she lose, however when this does happen her reaction is that of a grade A bitch, she constantly demands to have another try and she refuses to accept that she isn’t the best at everything. There is of course the episode where she finds out that she isn’t very good at giving massages and ends up in tears unable to believe that she can’t do something. The only way to placate her is for Chandler to say that she gives the best bad massages. Now this is a tactic that is normally saved for crying children, when they are upset you tell them a lie to make them feel better like the dog didn’t die, he just went to live on a farm, or no of course mummy and daddies divorce wasn’t your fault, it’s not like your birth ruined our lives, and so on. Then of course there is the episode where Phoebe tells her she is high maintenance and Monica’s reaction is to demand an explanation and harass her, eventually tricking Chandler into giving a speech about how easy going she is, essentially proving that she is so high maintenance that it would take several well trained engineers just to get her to shut the fuck up. So yeah that’s Monica.

Dum dum dum, its time for the last character and of course that is Phoebe Buffay, who even in the show is kind of a bitch. That’s right, whilst each character is accentuated for comic effect in the show, Phoebe is just flat out a bad person. She is pretty stupid, but having been left homeless at a young age she can’t be blamed for that. However her arrogance and contempt shown for her friends is one of the worst things, most of this is reserved for Chandler though. There is one episode where she apparently finds Monica’s soul mate and attempts to set her up with him, now that would be a pretty nice thing to do for a friend but only if your friend wasn’t engaged to another of your very close friends. Seriously she deems it just fine to try and break up a happy relationship for absolutely no reason I mean what the hell you dumb hippy. Then there was the time where Chandler had to move to Tulsa and whilst saying his goodbyes she pushes him out of the door, she consistently insults Chandler[4] and undermines Rachel and Monica. Oh yeah she thinks she is a musical genius as well, completely oblivious to the fact that she is tone deaf and can’t actually play the guitar.

Well well, that was fun wasn’t it? We had some laughs[5] and we learned a few things.[6] I will now do my standard defence of the subject matter, yes I am aware these aren’t real people and yes I am aware that they are exaggerated for comic effect, Friends is one of my favourite shows and I still watch it now. Nevertheless if these people were real they would mostly suck, especially Phoebe, and if Joey was real I might go mad at his stupidity and just end up repeatedly slapping him upside the head and calling him a stupid boy. Anyways, I am sure you are all pissing yourself with anticipation to find out which show will be my number 1, well you won’t have long to find out[7] and I promise it will be more shocking than that time Prince Harry skull fucked the corpse of a dead Taliban soldier whilst dressed up as Darth Vader.[8]
Goodbye and may the odds be ever in your favour[9]

[1] Myself Included
[2] Believe me, I do this all the time...
[3] Watch the episode where he tries to learn French if you don’t believe me, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you want to punch yourself just so you can punch something
[4] Though he does return the favour periodically
[5] Nope that’s not true at all
[6] Also not true
[7] That’s a hattrick of lies for you
[8] I am assuming this will happen in the interim of me proof reading this and posting it, the dirty boy!
[9] I watched The Hunger Games again today.

Saturday 1 September 2012

TV Characters = Horrible People

I realised that it has been a while since I wrote any sort of list blog, in fact I don’t think I have ever done that in this blog, to be honest I can’t be asked to scroll through all the old ones to double check. Anyways, seeing as I spend a lot of time on  I thought I would basically steal the format of their website and write a themed list.
In the process of writing this blog I realised that if I were to do the list all in one go it would amount to around 4000 words, which is simply too long and so I will instead do one a day.  The topic for this particular list shall be TV shows in which the characters are genuinely horrible people. Now the shows I have chosen all happen to be comedies and as such the characters are exaggerated for comic effect, but I am going to plead with you dear reader to ignore that fact. The list will be ranty, and you may be thinking I am being fussy and feel the need to constantly remind me that they are TV shows, but you must realise that I am totally aware of these facts. I am simply writing as if these are real people and not fictional characters This list contains 3 different shows, so my eager fans will not have to wait very long to find out number one, that is if I don’t forget to write the next two of course

First up I have gone with what is perhaps one of the greatest British comedies ever made, Peep Show. Written by Jess Armstrong and Sam Bain, with additional material from the shows stars David Mitchell and Robert Webb Peep Show is one of the most innovative shows on television. It has managed to repopularise the use of point of view camera shots as well as frequently using the internal monologues of the shows two main characters Mark Corrigan (Mitchell) and Jeremy ‘Jez’ Osbourne (Webb).

It would appear then that I am quite a big fan of the show and would seemingly have no reason to criticise it. Well that is half right, I love the show and have no problem with the way it’s written etc., but the fact remains that a large number of the characters really are quite horrible people.

Let’s start with Mark shall we. A large portion of the series centres around Mark’s on/off relationship with co-worker Sophie Chapman (Olivia Coleman) despite spending the first 3 series or so chasing after her and going to ridiculous lengths to impress her, one of which included reading her personal emails, Mark soon grows tired of her and goes to quite absurd lengths to sabotage the relationship he once so craved. These attempts include planning a move to India without informing her, attempting to start an affair with an old school crush (though to his credit he does back out of this), as well as numerous attempts to avoid spending time with her.

It is one of these attempts that really does show Mark up to be a person with questionable morals. In season 4 Mark and Sophie are engaged to be wed. Now obviously marriage is a big step and Mark is understandably apprehensive, however rather than simply talk to his fiancé he instead joins a local gym so that he can avoid spending time with her on the pretence that he is instead working out. During one of his sessions with his personal trainer Mark lets on that he is unsure about the wedding and is thinking about backing out. Said personal trainer then advises him to end the relationship rather than enter an unhappy marriage, perfectly sage advice there. However when Sophie intimates that she would like to spend more time with Mark and may join his gym to achieve this, Mark realises that he has dug himself into a particularly large hole and comes up with a plan. Encouraged by his best friend and flat mate Jeremy (more on him later) Mark decides to get his personal trainer sacked by telling the gym’s manager that he took a dump in the pool (actually performed by Jeremy). However when this plan does not quite work, Mark is encouraged to say that in fact the personal trainer sexually assaulted him during a sports massage, resulting in his termination from the job.

Now, whilst Mark never initially planned for this to happen and it was largely with Jeremy’s encouragement, it would still have been much easier to simply talk to Sophie, rather than ruin an innocent man’s life. To top it off, Mark isn’t exactly ravaged with guilt about what he does, he instead is glad that he has gotten away with it and the only time he actually expresses remorse is when he runs into his former trainer at a karate class who happens to be a black belt intent on kicking the shit out of him, and even then he uses Sophie as a human shield.

The fact is that had this happened in real life, Mark could very easily have gone to prison for lying about such a serious issue. What he did was cowardly and could so easily have been avoided if he had actually had the courage to talk to the woman he at least pretends to love. However as this is TV nothing more is made of it and Mark gets away with it Scott free.

Speaking of Scott free, it is about time we talked about Mark’s best friend Jeremy. Yes whilst Mark is a person who has done horrible things, he is pretty hard to hate because he is one of life’s unlucky ones. Whereas Jeremy lives a life where very few of his actions appear to have serious consequences. Despite his lack of charm and intelligence he has remarkable luck with women and not just ordinary women, some of them are so remarkably beautiful its offensive, I am thinking in particular of Nancy (Rachel Blanchard) and Big Suze (Sophie Winkleman).  Jeremy could be described as a dreamer, describing himself as a musician he very rarely has a sustainable job, however when he has managed to find work throughout the series, it has more often than not involved good sums of money for very little work, though one of these jobs did involve wanking off a famous DJ, but still £500 a week!

A particular point of contention between Jez and Mark is the fact that Jeremy very rarely pays his way and basically scrounges off Mark as he is simply more weak willed an unwilling to chuck his friend out for any bearable amount of time. Jeremy however feels absolutely now guilt about this and openly exploits Mark in order to live his life to the fullest often at Mark’s expense.  The best way to describe him would be a total free loader.

Now many of Jeremy’s worst incidents revolve around women, including the time he tried to get Big Suze to have sex with Mark’s boss for a large sum of money. However one of the worst aspects of his character as I have already mentioned is the fact that he is constantly handed the easy option. In season 5, a wealthy relative of Jeremy’s dies and he inherits £20,000 much to his understandable delight. However things soon go awry when his mother cuts this amount to £10,000 so that she can use the money to buy herself and her new boyfriend a villa abroad. Now ten thousand pounds is a lot to lose, but it is also a lot to gain, but Jeremy makes one hell of a fuss when the money that he has in no way earned is cut by his own mother. Even when she comes to visit and reason with him, Jeremy treats his mother like a complete piece of shit as well as her new boyfriend who doesn’t approve of his layabout lifestyle. When it is decided that Jez’s mum will in fact keep all of the money he decides to take drastic measures. Whilst cleaning out the belongings of his now deceased aunt, Jeremy finds an old World War Two pistol (or as Super Hans(Matt King) describes it ‘a war gun’), that he decides to keep as a souvenir. Upon deciding that he really does deserve some of the inheritance he devises a plan to slip the gun into his mum’s boyfriend’s luggage before the go away on holiday. Fortunately Mark discovers the plot and puts a stop to it. Upon realising that he really has blown any chance of getting the money, Jez then reveals to the boyfriend that his daughter sexually assaulted Mark (they both got drunk one night and Mark awoke to her screwing him). This causes Mark to lose the opportunity to write the boyfriends memoirs, something which he was extremely excited about, it also means he has completely alienated his mother and her new boyfriend in one fell swoop.

So not only did Jeremy attempt to have his mother and her boyfriend arrested for weapon smuggling, but when his best friend, the man is basically responsible for him being alive tries to help, he ruins his life as well. Jeremy reveals himself to be spiteful, spoiled an immature in this instance and comes across as really quite a nasty person.

There are of course other characters in the show, all of whom have their moments of being nasty, in particular Jeff (Neil Fitzmaurice) who is easily the most unlikable character on the show. There is also Mark’s boss Allan Johnson (Paterson Johnson) who is extremely arrogant and borderline crazy.

So there we have it, my first entry to this list. I will reiterate what I said at the start about thinking of these characters as real people for the purpose of this blog and to remember that I am really not that judgemental of TV characters because I am fully aware that they have been written like that to be funny, and they are extremely funny. Also even though Mark and Jeremy have done some horrible things, I still like them and the show wouldn’t be half as good without them the way they are.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Nanananananana Batmaaaaaan, sorry that’s the best I can do as a title to this one… Oh actually The Dark Knight Rises could totally be the name for the porno spoof of the film, get it?

Here we go then! It has arrived, perhaps the biggest superhero movie ever. You have to feel sorry for the new Spiderman movie which will be totally eclipsed by the Dark Knight Rises. I managed to get tickets to see it after staying up until 3 am and constantly refreshing the IMAX website which basically didn’t work for about 6 hours or so. However, my patience paid off and I was able to see it on the day it came out, making it slightly easier to avoid spoilers. Speaking of which, there will be things in this entry that I would not wanted to have known before I saw it. I won’t reveal the ending, or who lives/dies etc., but there will be spoilers, so avoid unless you want to know some of what happens before you see it, but why would you? That would be a strange thing to do you goddam hippy!

Anyway, moving on.

The hype around this movie is perhaps one of the most vigorous that I have ever experienced, so much so that Rotten Tomatoes had to stop taking reviews because the negative reviewers were receiving threats. With that in mind I am not going to give this a negative review, because I do not wish to be murdered by angry fan boys, but to be honest that’s not necessary as this movie was pretty freaking good. The box office and overall critical reception speak for themselves. In fact this movie franchise has made so much money a person could probably legitimately become Batman themselves, now there is a thought…

*(Let the spoilers begin!)*

The film itself essentially has for main characters each with their own story arc. You of course have Batman/Bruce Wayne who at first struggles with the decision of whether to come back as the caped crusader and then the struggle of actually doing it.

Then there is our villain Bane, played by Tom Hardy who looks like he has probably been lifting several train carriages a day to get in shape for the movie. Bane is essentially a professional bastard who plans on terrorising Gotham City simply because he can and he may or may not be working for someone.

Then there is of course Selina Kyle/Catwoman played by the sextacular Anne Hathaway. A professional jewel thief who manages to get herself in involved in all sorts of shenanigans and you are never quite sure whose side she is on until much later in the movie.

Finally we have Officer John Blake, played by the guy with a hard name to type, Joseph Gordon Levitt. Officer Blake is what I would call Officer Gordon’s replacement seeing as he is hospitalised fairly early on.

So what of the plot? Well the movie itself starts 8 years after the conclusion of its predecessor The Dark Knight. Harvey Dent is dead of course, but is hailed as a hero after Batman took responsibility for the number of murders that Dent committed. This has also resulted in the Dent Act, which is never fully explained, but it has resulted in numerous criminals being put behind bars and as a result Gotham City is now a much safer place. Batman is of course seen as a villain and has disappeared along with Bruce Wayne who has not been seen publicly since around the same time that Batman went AWOL. Apparently nobody in Gotham thought to put two and two together.

Despite the relative safety however, Bane figures out that a clean energy project headed by Miranda Tate (Marion Cotilllllllllllllllllllllllllard,the extra l’s emphasise the Frenchness of her name, and also the fact that she is terribly boneriffic) can be used as a nuclear weapon, which to be honest is a pretty big problem for any project that doesn’t involve creating nuclear weapons. The rest you can probably predict for yourselves. Bane threatens Gotham with this weapon. Batman tries to stop him, but fails at first because Bane literally breaks him, but then comes back having learnt a lesson about the little Bat who wouldn’t give up. There are plenty of twists and turns and a couple of moments of ‘oooooooooh, I didn’t see that coming’, this unless you happen to be one of those people who can figure stuff out *cough* Tash *cough*.

So then, is the movie actually any good? Well yes, I already said that, come on pay attention! I have previously written about whether this movie could stand up to the hype that surrounded it. I also wanted it to be more character driven unlike the Dark Knight and more like Batman Begins. I was happy therefore to see that Nolan seemed to find a good balance between the two for the final instalment. There is plenty of actiony stuff to satisfy, but there is also a lot more character development than the Dark Knight, particularly of Selina Kyle and Officer Blake, which is what I look for in a movie. Also despite being 2 hours and 40 minutes long, I didn’t feel like the movie was too long, the more I think about it, the more I become to realise that the plot on the whole fit together nicely.

As for the acting that is as good as ever. Tom Hardy as Bane is a pretty terrifying villain. There were times when his speech was incomprehensible due the mask he wore which was a shame, but most of the time it was fine. Other standouts are definitely Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle. A lot of critics said that she was the best thing about the movie and while I don’t think that is fair on the movie itself I agree with the sentiment. The character adds a new depth to the story and despite betraying Batman you are able to remain on her side for most of the film. Along with these two the rest of the cast are pretty brilliant as well, as always Christian Bale does well playing his dual role. Marion Cottilard and Joseph Gordon Levitt are strong as well and of course Michael Caine does a wonderful job as Alfred in what is his most emotionally charged role of the series.

Like any movie though this does have its faults, though for me they are minor. A few of the films critics claimed that it was overblown and poorly put together. Well firstly it’s no way near as overblown as The Dark Knight was and it’s only really the first 50 mins to an hour that suffers from a slightly disjointed plot. However with a plot as big as this, I think that is to be expected. Another criticism would have to be the use of exposition, which seems to have become a weakness for Nolan, at points the audience may as well just read the plot off a cue card on the screen, but these points are few and far between and again I think sometimes in story telling it is permissible. I would also like to have seen more Alfred who disappears fairly early on and only returns at the end, but then again there probably wasn’t enough room for him in the story and his character isn’t exactly wasted anyway. Other than these minor things it is hard to find fault with The Dark Knight Rises and it has to be said that it is a thoroughly satisfying conclusion to the saga.

Hopefully then Chris Nolan can do a good job of rebooting the Superman movie franchise, though he isn’t directing so I am still sceptical. Also they have cast Henry Cavill and well he is just not very good is he?

See you later then.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Spider – man, not quite amazing, but not so bad either

It’s a movie review, I don’t really seem to do them that often considering how many movies I actually watch but I saw this today and I felt compelled by the spirits of blogdom to write this for you the reader, are you there? This might contain what may be considered spoilers, but to be honest if you don’t know the basic premise of Spider – Man then you have probably never paid attention to popular culture, because even the aliens on Mars know that Uncle Ben dies...oops

Aaaaaanyway, as you will all know the popular franchise has been the subject of a reboot, in my opinion this was done in the shadow of Christopher Nolan’s Batman series which has seen the comic book movie enter a completely different stratosphere.Marvel are clearly keen to get on that particular gravy train, which I suppose is fair enough, they certainly aren’t doing it purely for the money given the fact that The Avengers made a gajillion pounds this year.

Now, as has been seen many times before, the origin story of any superhero/masked vigilante type can be notoriously difficult to transfer to film. Nobody really wants to see the difficult journey from normal guy to person with super abilities and these films run the risk of being boring in the first half. Thankfully for Spider – Man though the origin of how Peter Parker becomes spandex laden hero is kept tight and constantly moving forward, from the bite from the genetically engineered spider it doesn’t take long before he gets his suit made and starts taking down various street thugs.

Rather than give primary focus to Parker’s transformation, more time is instead given to the background of his family life. It turns out that Parker’s father was involved in some straight up evil scientist stuff in which he and his partner Dr Connors, played by Rhys Ifans set about mixing the genes of various creatures with others to try and create species without any sort of weakness. Connors who is missing an arm hopes to cross human DNA with that of lizards who can regenerate limbs if need be. Inevitably, Parker comes up with the missing link of the scientific equation and Connors thinks he can now grow back his arm. However upon injecting himself with the formula he instead turns into a giant murderous lizard and chaos later ensues with only Spider – Man capable of stopping him.

Overall the film holds its own and fans of Spider – Man probably won’t be too disappointed with the reboot. I feel that Parker is a bit more identifiable than the Tobey Maguire incarnation of before. Andrew Garfield offers up a much cooler and quick witted Spider –Man. Sure Peter Parker is still beaten up at school by a bully whose stereotypical tough guy act is only matched by his equally stereotypical nickname ‘Flash’,but he isn’t quite the total dork of the previous movies, I mean he rides a skateboard and everything and wears a hoody. Those expecting drastic changes though will be slightly disappointed, the biggest difference I can see is the fact that the classic Mary Jane character is replaced by Gwen Stacy played by Emma Stone, and thankfully we aren’t forced to endure her getting captured over and over again with Spiderman forced to save her, she is in fact much stronger and strong willed. I say replaced, I have been reliably informed that Gwen Stacy actually comes first in the comic books, so the movie is actually truer to the comics in that sense.The most interesting difference I feel is the fact that Spider – Man doesn’t actually shoot webs from his wrists, instead Parker creates a device that can shoot a web like substance that his dad had been working on. This means that should these devices break he cannot jump of buildings and swing all over the place (HINT HINT) and so the character is slightly more vulnerable than before. It is these subtle differences that I liked about the film, had they completely changed everything it would probably run the risk of alienating some fans, which this should not do.

I wasn’t really blown away by the movie, but then again I have never been the biggest Spider - Man fan, as I said before it is thoroughly in the shadow of Batman and I just feel it lacks something, but the inevitable sequel might offer up something a bit more exciting. We shall see dear reader, we shall see...
Still I would recommend this movie; you don’t need to be a huge Spider – Man or Marvel fan to enjoy it, though those who are will enjoy the obligatory Stan Lee cameo, which is probably the most amusing one I have seen yet. Nevertheless, this movie was enjoyable at least and I think you should see it, don’t make me turn this car around and take you now!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

First one in a while, but this one is extra long and for once it's not me ranting about something!

So, seeing as Prometheus has just hit the screens, I thought I would take a little look back at the previous 3 films in the Alien franchise, i.e. Alien, Aliens and Alien 3. I am essentially reviewing 3 movies in one all of which happen to be over 20 years old. Say what you like about this blog, but you can’t say that I don’t keep up with current trends. Also it will contain spoilers, but come on Alien came out in 1979 and is one of the biggest sci – fi films ever made, if you haven’t seen it by now, you would probably know the story as it is part of popular culture. But anyway, I digress, pay attention now class.

Ok so the first film in the franchise is the Ridley Scott vehicle Alien. The film follows the exploits of the crew of the commercial towing spaceship Nostromo. They have basically been mining space gold and are returning to earth when the ship’s crew is awakened from their hyper sleep as the ship has detected a rogue signal from an unknown planet. From then on chaos ensues, one crew member Kane, played by John Hurt discovers a large room full of eggs, one of which hatches sending an alien onto his face, which then proceeds to impregnate him in the mouth (don’t worry ladies, this sort of thing can’t happen to humans, so please keep up the good work ;)). Anywho, with the alien baby sweetly nuzzling in his chest Kane awakens from his coma only to have the bloody thing burst out of him at the dinner table in one of the most famous instances of bad etiquette ever recorded on film, it also happens to be one of the most iconic film scenes ever made, but that doesn’t matter. Moving swiftly on, this alien grows like a motherfucker and begins to pick off the crew in various ways, helped along the way by the ships android with the extra bastard implant, played by Ian Holm, until our heroine Ripley is the last remaining crew member who successfully manages to beat the alien in the end, YAY!!

Alien is consistently ranked as not just one of the best sci – fi movies ever made, but one of the best movies ever made, a reputation which I think is entirely justified. Alien is quite simply brilliant. I read Roger Ebert’s review in which he made an interesting point that each cast member is considerably older than your average horror movie cast, with Sigourney Weaver being the youngest at 30, this adds a level of maturity to the film and at no point do you see a teenage girl screaming helplessly. There are of course moments of terror for the ship’s crew, but they come across as totally genuine. The cast therefore play their parts extremely well, Sigourney Weaver is obviously a stand out and in many ways this film catapulted her career. However I reserve special praise for Ian Holm who plays the android Ash. The thing is, he is secretly an android, and so his performance is significantly understated and delightfully evil when it counts.

It would also be remiss of me not to mention the special effects of the film; considering this was 1979 they are way above the standard I would expect from a film of that era. But they stand the test of time and even watching it in 2012 you could easily mistake it for a more modern film. There is no CGI here thank god.
Speaking of CGI that moves me nicely on to the sequel Aliens. I only mention CGI in this context because the second film in the franchise is directed by CGI’s biggest fan, Mr James Cameron. However thankfully, Aliens represents one of the rare occasions where Mr Cameron doesn’t completely fuck up his film and viciously beat his audience over the head with it.

The film once again follows the exploits of Ripley, who after drifting in space for 57 years is rescued by the company she originally worked for Weyland – Yutani, who completely refute her story of the aliens and basically tell her she is well mental. The film doesn’t end there of course, but did you expect it to, come on then it would have only been like 40 minutes long. Anyway, remember that planet from the first one where Kane found all the alien eggs? Well it’s only been bloody colonised by humans with around 200 of them living there! I know, that can only end badly, which it inevitably does. The alien race is able to make its comeback when a couple out doing whatever work they do comes across an alien egg and the man is impregnated by the face hugger. Of course he is brought back to the human colony and the alien manages to kill pretty much everyone, aside from one plucky child known as Newt. We are spared seeing everyone get killed as the plot mainly revolves around a group of marines sent in to investigate. Joining them is Ripley, who misses her opportunity to say ‘see, I fucking told you so!’ but instead goes along with the marines as a consultant. Turns out that they don’t just have one alien to deal with, like in the first film, but an entire swarm of the bastards. Much like the first though, the team of marines is slowly thinned  out by the creature and Ripley is again left to be all heroic and stuff, whilst at the same time protecting Newt whom she forms a motherly bond with. Ripley isn’t completely alone, along the way she is aided by several of the marines, such as Private Hudson, played by James Cameron’s favourite actor Bill Paxton, as well as Corporal Hicks played by Michael Biehn, the non-terminator one from Terminator, also, despite her initial mistrust of yet another android Ripley is aided by Bishop played by Lance Henrikksen. Eventually Ripley is able to once again defeat the alien and escape the forsaken planet before it is destroyed and everyone is happy again.

It is notoriously difficult to create a sequel to something that had such widespread success, The Matrix Reloaded being a painful example. Therefore Aliens had only one choice, it had to go bigger and more extravagant that its predecessor, which is does to an extremely awesome degree. Sigourney Weaver is once again brilliant as Ripley and even Bill Paxton puts in a good performance, once you get over how annoying his character is initially. In my opinion Aliens would have been the perfect place to end the franchise, Ripley ends up with a sort of replacement daughter (her real daughter dies whilst she was asleep for 57 years) and the aliens have seemingly been eradicated, but alas clearly some greedy movie execs spent most of what was made from the film on cocaine and hookers and decided to make the threequal, sigh…

I don’t want to dwell much on the third film, because it’s simply not worth it, but anyway here we go!
Having once again been left in special space sleep at the end of Aliens the movie opens with the crash landing of the ship, which results in the deaths of Hicks and Newt, who had both managed to survive at the end of the second film. Ripley is understandably a little upset with this and wonders exactly why the ship crashed. I won’t beat around the bush, the ship crashed because there was an alien on board and it started a fire. The planet she crashes on happens to be a high security prison planet, full of the worst kinds of prisoners available, including murderers, rapists and child molesters. So immediately you lose any sympathy for potential victims of the monster. Nevertheless, the alien proceeds to cause havoc throughout the prison, killing people etc etc. Somewhere along the way, Ripley also realises that she has a chest burster inside her, which makes her go all emo and decide that she has to die to avoid the alien from ever getting back to earth, right after she destroys the alien on the planet first.

That’s about it really, Alien 3 has all the mainstays of a bad horror sequel including numerous instances of individuals breaking away from the group so that the monster can pick them off a bit easier, and lots more fucks, not the sexy kind, the sweary kind. Then there is the extra gore, which has become a staple of horror sequels, in this case it just isn’t necessary. In the first two films there is surprisingly little blood and guts, as the aliens were simply intent on using the humans to breed, in Alien 3 however our space villain appears to be intent on turning this into saw in space and eating everyone’s brains like some kind of terrifying zombie vampire. Also is that CGI I see, because it certainly looked like it and James Cameron didn’t even direct this one!

Another thing that bothered me was the fact that the image of Ripley from is one of a very strong woman, and historically she has become a symbol for the female hero in film. However this reputation is significantly diminished not long after landing on the planet when Ripley randomly shags the dishy British doctor, played by Charles Dance, also known as the bad guy from Last Action Hero. This I found very surprising, I mean I know she had been without a man for what was like over 60 years, but it was kind of unnecessary for the film.

So basically if you want the storyline to be rounded off then watch Alien 3 it does have a pretty definitive ending, although Alien Resurrection kind of starts it all up again, but I am not including that because I don’t think it counts. Otherwise though, just stick to the first two films, they are so much better and if you want you can use the ending of Aliens as the real ending, which is what I do because I am a bit of a loser.