Sunday 22 July 2012

Nanananananana Batmaaaaaan, sorry that’s the best I can do as a title to this one… Oh actually The Dark Knight Rises could totally be the name for the porno spoof of the film, get it?

Here we go then! It has arrived, perhaps the biggest superhero movie ever. You have to feel sorry for the new Spiderman movie which will be totally eclipsed by the Dark Knight Rises. I managed to get tickets to see it after staying up until 3 am and constantly refreshing the IMAX website which basically didn’t work for about 6 hours or so. However, my patience paid off and I was able to see it on the day it came out, making it slightly easier to avoid spoilers. Speaking of which, there will be things in this entry that I would not wanted to have known before I saw it. I won’t reveal the ending, or who lives/dies etc., but there will be spoilers, so avoid unless you want to know some of what happens before you see it, but why would you? That would be a strange thing to do you goddam hippy!

Anyway, moving on.

The hype around this movie is perhaps one of the most vigorous that I have ever experienced, so much so that Rotten Tomatoes had to stop taking reviews because the negative reviewers were receiving threats. With that in mind I am not going to give this a negative review, because I do not wish to be murdered by angry fan boys, but to be honest that’s not necessary as this movie was pretty freaking good. The box office and overall critical reception speak for themselves. In fact this movie franchise has made so much money a person could probably legitimately become Batman themselves, now there is a thought…

*(Let the spoilers begin!)*

The film itself essentially has for main characters each with their own story arc. You of course have Batman/Bruce Wayne who at first struggles with the decision of whether to come back as the caped crusader and then the struggle of actually doing it.

Then there is our villain Bane, played by Tom Hardy who looks like he has probably been lifting several train carriages a day to get in shape for the movie. Bane is essentially a professional bastard who plans on terrorising Gotham City simply because he can and he may or may not be working for someone.

Then there is of course Selina Kyle/Catwoman played by the sextacular Anne Hathaway. A professional jewel thief who manages to get herself in involved in all sorts of shenanigans and you are never quite sure whose side she is on until much later in the movie.

Finally we have Officer John Blake, played by the guy with a hard name to type, Joseph Gordon Levitt. Officer Blake is what I would call Officer Gordon’s replacement seeing as he is hospitalised fairly early on.

So what of the plot? Well the movie itself starts 8 years after the conclusion of its predecessor The Dark Knight. Harvey Dent is dead of course, but is hailed as a hero after Batman took responsibility for the number of murders that Dent committed. This has also resulted in the Dent Act, which is never fully explained, but it has resulted in numerous criminals being put behind bars and as a result Gotham City is now a much safer place. Batman is of course seen as a villain and has disappeared along with Bruce Wayne who has not been seen publicly since around the same time that Batman went AWOL. Apparently nobody in Gotham thought to put two and two together.

Despite the relative safety however, Bane figures out that a clean energy project headed by Miranda Tate (Marion Cotilllllllllllllllllllllllllard,the extra l’s emphasise the Frenchness of her name, and also the fact that she is terribly boneriffic) can be used as a nuclear weapon, which to be honest is a pretty big problem for any project that doesn’t involve creating nuclear weapons. The rest you can probably predict for yourselves. Bane threatens Gotham with this weapon. Batman tries to stop him, but fails at first because Bane literally breaks him, but then comes back having learnt a lesson about the little Bat who wouldn’t give up. There are plenty of twists and turns and a couple of moments of ‘oooooooooh, I didn’t see that coming’, this unless you happen to be one of those people who can figure stuff out *cough* Tash *cough*.

So then, is the movie actually any good? Well yes, I already said that, come on pay attention! I have previously written about whether this movie could stand up to the hype that surrounded it. I also wanted it to be more character driven unlike the Dark Knight and more like Batman Begins. I was happy therefore to see that Nolan seemed to find a good balance between the two for the final instalment. There is plenty of actiony stuff to satisfy, but there is also a lot more character development than the Dark Knight, particularly of Selina Kyle and Officer Blake, which is what I look for in a movie. Also despite being 2 hours and 40 minutes long, I didn’t feel like the movie was too long, the more I think about it, the more I become to realise that the plot on the whole fit together nicely.

As for the acting that is as good as ever. Tom Hardy as Bane is a pretty terrifying villain. There were times when his speech was incomprehensible due the mask he wore which was a shame, but most of the time it was fine. Other standouts are definitely Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle. A lot of critics said that she was the best thing about the movie and while I don’t think that is fair on the movie itself I agree with the sentiment. The character adds a new depth to the story and despite betraying Batman you are able to remain on her side for most of the film. Along with these two the rest of the cast are pretty brilliant as well, as always Christian Bale does well playing his dual role. Marion Cottilard and Joseph Gordon Levitt are strong as well and of course Michael Caine does a wonderful job as Alfred in what is his most emotionally charged role of the series.

Like any movie though this does have its faults, though for me they are minor. A few of the films critics claimed that it was overblown and poorly put together. Well firstly it’s no way near as overblown as The Dark Knight was and it’s only really the first 50 mins to an hour that suffers from a slightly disjointed plot. However with a plot as big as this, I think that is to be expected. Another criticism would have to be the use of exposition, which seems to have become a weakness for Nolan, at points the audience may as well just read the plot off a cue card on the screen, but these points are few and far between and again I think sometimes in story telling it is permissible. I would also like to have seen more Alfred who disappears fairly early on and only returns at the end, but then again there probably wasn’t enough room for him in the story and his character isn’t exactly wasted anyway. Other than these minor things it is hard to find fault with The Dark Knight Rises and it has to be said that it is a thoroughly satisfying conclusion to the saga.

Hopefully then Chris Nolan can do a good job of rebooting the Superman movie franchise, though he isn’t directing so I am still sceptical. Also they have cast Henry Cavill and well he is just not very good is he?

See you later then.

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