Saturday 6 October 2012

'Battle Born' I don't have a pun

Hello everyone, I thought I might do a lickle album review for you is that OK with you? Oh good that’s excellent, right well I better bloody get on with it then. I thought I would review the new Killers album ‘Battle Born’ because that seems like the sort of album that the cool kids are listening to these days, at least I that’s what I think they were saying as I eavesdropped on them at the bus stop, but I digress let’s get on with it.

I won’t bother comparing this to their previous albums because (A. I don’t really see the point of doing that and (B. I haven’t listened to any of their other albums in a while and I can’t remember them that well off the top of my head and I am also too lazy to listen to them all again. None of this should matter however as I simply want to review the album as a standalone record.

First off there is the album cover, it’s what I would consider a pretty bog standard rock album cover, a car driving down a highway following a horse. Despite it being rather cliché I do quite like it and to be honest I never notice stuff like that so it must be pretty good.

Now on with the music, the first noticeable thing is that this is definitely a Killers album, by which I mean there is enough of their signature sound to make it instantly recognisable as being made by them, so those fans expecting a drastic departure or a hip hop album or something you will be quite disappointed. However despite this I think there is enough in the songs for fans of the band to appreciate. I get the sense that they are trying to cultivate a more stadium rock type image, though not the Coldplay Mylo Xyloto douche bag type.[1] The albums lead single ‘Runaways’ would probably be the best example of this opinion. Despite a friend of mine describing it as simply ‘noise’ I really like the song. My first thought upon hearing it was that it sounds a lot like Queen and as a relative newcomer to Queen[2] I was pleased by this. I have always considered the Killers to be relatively soft rock but ‘Runaways’ is a lot louder and punchier. Unfortunately in my opinion this is the only track that can be described as such as the album slots back into the more established Killers sound, i.e.  softer more ballady type rock, possibly with the exception of the fifth track ‘A Matter of Time’ which doesn't quite reach the same level but it is still a strong track.

Even though I seem to be lamenting the fact that the album seems to abandon the louder rockier approach I don’t consider this to be a weak album at all. There are certainly enough tracks to draw fans of the band in, though in my opinion I still think it will split fans due to the fact that the album itself is rather split. What I mean by that is that half of it is louder and pacier, whilst the other half is slower and more composed. This I think will mean that some fans will like one half and the rest will like the other half, but of course I could be totally wrong about that. The best example of this would be track eight ‘The Rising of the Tide’ which isn't exactly a quiet acoustic ballad whilst track eleven ‘Be Still’ sounds almost like a gospel song at points. It see’s Brandon Flowers really stretching his vocal muscles, something which is actually evident throughout the album. There is even an example of the split in one song, the albums closer and title track ‘Battle Born’ which is a mixture of acoustic rock and full on epicness.[3]

In summary then this is a good album in my opinion, it won’t stand out as one of the greatest albums ever but given the Killer reputation I think it will do well amongst their fans and may even win a few new people over thanks to the rockier tracks. It is nice to see them back after 4 years and Brandon Flowers seems to still have the voice for this type of music, though I have to admit there are a few points where he can’t quite reach some of the notes, but overall he has still got it. The rest of the band have done well also with the music itself pretty much flawless. I would therefore recommend this, if you can’t afford it just listen on spotify, it’s definitely worth a listen even if you don’t agree with my opinion, which you probably won’t because I am normally wrong about everything.

Never mind

Byezeee bye

[1] Having said that I thought they were very good at the Paralympic closing ceremony
[2] Obviously I knew who they were and their songs, but I had only really listened properly this year.
[3] Thereby refuting my point at the end of paragraph 4, doh!

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