Monday 11 January 2016

Uh oh, here we go again

Guess who? (don’t just read my name or personal description, it ruins the game)

I’m back, of course this was hotly anticipated, probably, someone must have wondered where I went, or at least I like to think so. Fact is I have been pursuing other interests…. For four years. I got my masters in film, went on holiday, played a lot of XBOX, but most importantly I watched A LOT of movies and having decided that I want to get paid to do that, or at least have someone other than myself read my reviews, I am starting up my blog again. I can’t promise how regular the updates will be because unfortunately in those 4 years I was unable to perfect my future telling device. At the moment it just makes toast, don’t ask me how, like I said I couldn’t perfect it. Any who, at various points I’ll try and add things for people to read, or to see the link on Facebook, like it and then not read (hey I don’t judge) and maybe just maybe my stupid writing will get someone’s attention and they will literally run through fire to hear me impart my *wisdom*

Cheers Andrew
(I am saying cheers from me here by the way, I am not just thanking myself)

 *Wisdom not guaranteed*

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